Sustainable Reporting & Analytics
Water treatment and engineering company ISC KZ specializes in supplying technical water to the leading subsoil user. Due to rapidly changing climate conditions, it became essential to carefully manage and register the volumes of water in the pond to sustain the general water supply to the Client’s plant.
We implemented the global vendor solution allowing us to monitor and calculate the volumes of water. The project included supply and installation of water flow monitoring systems, automation of pumps and integration of all components into a single solution.
International O&G company re-injects formation waters back into the drilling well, which causes well flooding. To prevent this, the client started using reverse osmosis technology to modernize and enhance the drilling process.
We worked with Siemens to implement their industrial automation solution covering the functionality of all components, sensors, etc., and ensure the correctness and quality of data being gathered and analyzed.
To prevent well equipment corrosion, our client, the International O&G company, requested to implement the MVR Solution to avoid injecting the brine back into the wells.
We worked with an international partner to customize and implement the data analysis and control system and integrate it into the ICSS system of the client.
Water treatment and engineering company ISC KZ is drilling water wells for the major O&G operator to supply technical water to the client's plant. They reached out to us to support them with digitalization of the process.
We are working together with Siemens to implement the analytical solution to improve well and process reactions by providing the configured data.
Client is looking for a comprehensive solution allowing them to forecast and plan proactively levels of water in the pond to optimize the water supply to the oilfield.
We are working on selecting and implementing the water-saving solution, including the Precipitation and Wind Forecasting analysis.
Major O&G Company in Kazakhstan
• Web Application for production optimization, which integrates with PDMS/PI Database and third-party modeling tools like Petex
• Improve the speed in the calculation of network optimization
• Allows network back pressure to be included in well line-up optimization workflow
• Speeds up network optimization calculations in the application. Ten times faster than the standard optimizer
• Improves model calibration and QC
Major O&G Company in Kazakhstan
Transformational change project to optimize exploration and production. The main route was accelerating the informed decision-making process by bringing the required information together in a multi-disciplinary team, as fast decisions lead to earlier revenues or less deferment.
To realize this change, our local specialists and foreign partners changed the organizational structure, adjusted the facilities to accommodate these multi-disciplinary teams, and provided technology to enhance information gathering and sharing.
Major O&G Company in Kazakhstan
Filed Integrated Operations Office design and build, including the workflow design, development, including data integration as part of the major field development project.
Major O&G Company in Kazakhstan
Supported the Model Based Operational Support which allows users to perform the real-time simulation and optimization for decision making and process improvement in the production. The objective of the Model-Based Operational support was to bring the use of the 3rd party modeling software (Aspen/PETEX) to the forefront of both: daily operational decision-making and long-term enhancement projects.